Tyrian, an Elm inspired frontend framework for Scala.js.

Frontend Routing

All Tyrian apps need to implement a routing function:

def router: Location => Msg

There are a few ways to implement the router function. Please note that in all cases, you are told if the link is considered internal or external and they are treated separately.

If your needs are simple, then the easiest way to implement the router is to use the helpers in the Routing module. For example, this one simply forwards on the hrefs as custom Msgs. As usual, note that you need to provide suitable Msg types:

def router: Location => Msg = Routing.basic(Msg.FollowInternalLink(_), Msg.FollowExternalLink(_))

There are also Routing.externalOnly and Routing.none variations.

Alternatively, you can do a full route match, like this:

  def router: Location => Msg =
    case loc: Location.Internal =>
      loc.pathName match
        case "/"      => Msg.NavigateTo(Page.Page1)
        case "/page1" => Msg.NavigateTo(Page.Page1)
        case "/page2" => Msg.NavigateTo(Page.Page2)
        case "/page3" => Msg.NavigateTo(Page.Page3)
        case "/page4" => Msg.NavigateTo(Page.Page4)
        case "/page5" => Msg.NavigateTo(Page.Page5)
        case "/page6" => Msg.NavigateTo(Page.Page6)
        case _        => Msg.NoOp

    case loc: Location.External =>

The Location type comes with all sorts of information in it for you to decide how to route, it is similar to the JavaScript Location type.

Once you've done your routing, you'll want to use some of the new Nav cmds.

Internal links from anchor tags will automatically update the address bar, but for internal links that are not from anchor tags, you can use Nav.pushUrl to update the address bar (this does not tell the browser to change locations, it just adjusts the history and what is displayed in the address bar). For external links, you can use Nav.loadUrl to tell the browser to follow the link.

Happy routing!